Save Money Inside and Outside of Your Home or Business!
Call the plumber or the septic pump truck company less often with regular Bio-Clean drain treatments. A little goes a very long way!
Not only will Bio-Clean keep your drain pipes clean from organic sludge, the friendly Bacteria that wash through your drain pipes, also aid in the consumption of biodegradable solids in your septic or aerobic system.
Environmentally Safe & Easy to Use Click here to view video!
No Dangerous Chemicals nor Fumes, 100% Safe, Non-Poisonous
Economical, 2 lbs. = up to 100 drain treatments or treats one 1,000 gallon septic tank
$54.95 - Order Now and receive FREE SHIPPING to the contiguous U.S. Secure on line ordering or call 936-447-4810. Money Back Warranty. Visa and Mastercard accepted.
We are Houck Aerobic Systems, a full service maintenance provider for aerobic wastewater treatment systems, based in Conroe, Texas & serving the Montgomery County area. We have been successfully adding Bio-Clean to aerobic systems since 1998!

Clean Gene One of the Friendly Bacteria
See Bio-Clean in action . . .
Clean Gene Says, "Meet My Family." My relatives and I are friendly bacteria. We are grown in incubators, dried and then mixed with enzymes and other helpers.
When you mix Bio-Clean in water we become active and hungry in about 30 minutes. Each of us eats his weight of waste in about one minute. Our family number can double every 30 minutes.
We feed, multiply and eat all through waste matter until it is eaten up. We change the waste into water, carbon and other elements which run harmlessly out of your waste system. These elements are then available food for plant life.
Compare Us to Mechanical Equipment! Cables can only poke a hole through the mess which leaves a base for new waste to adhere to. If you do not put my family to work, you will keep fighting the problem instead of solving it.
Compare Us to Chemicals! Hot, dangerous drain openers become more diluted and weaker the farther down a pipe they go. They cannot defy gravity, but we can! We eat our way up, down and across any pipe or system. After we clean your system, add us periodically and we'll keep it clean. We are Effective, Safe and Non-polluting!
My family of friendly bacteria can, and do, digest vegetation and animal waste. However, friendly bacteria cannot repair broken pipes, mechanical defects or digest inorganic materials such as plaster, glass, plastic which some how you humans seem to get down your drains.
Clene Gene Says, "Do It Now." Most people neglect their waste system. When they need it most, it fails (Sundays, holidays, when entertaining guests, etc.). You may not know it but you need us right now! We are the greatest, BUT even my family needs time to clean up years of accumulated waste. Start using us now and continue using us periodically. We can and will, keep your pipes and septic systems clean.
Chemicals, bleaches, detergents, food preservatives and bowl cleaners inhibit or kill bacterial action. This lets solids accumulate in the tank, some of which flow out and clog the drain field. We restore the necessary bacterial action and make your system work at full efficiency!
SEPTIC OWNERS: Nothing is more effective for biodegrading waste in septic systems than Bio-Clean. But no product can fix mechanical problems. We recommend Bio-Clean as part of a program of preventive maintenance which includes regular inspection of the tank, baffles, solids level and the proper use of water and drainage systems.